Midweek News December 13, 2023
December 13, 2023
Announcements and Items of Interest
Third Sunday of Advent, December 17, worship at 11:00 a.m. Michael Willis, Irish Harpist, will provide special music for our worship service.
Our Christmas Potluck Luncheon will be held following worship. Ham, coffee, lemonade, and tea will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share. We will also be honoring Kathy Hutcheson, who is retiring after serving as our Music Director for 23 years. If you would like to bring a card for her, there will be a basket in the fellowship hall.
One of our Christmas traditions is to place poinsettias as decorations in the sanctuary for Christmas. Individuals can order a poinsettia in honor/memory of or to the Glory of God. Poinsettias are $10.00 each and the order forms are at the front and back of the sanctuary, as well as on this website. Please make checks out to Crossnore Presbyterian Church and designate for “poinsettias.” You can drop your form and check at the church office or mail it to Crossnore Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 386, Crossnore, NC 28616. Poinsettias can be taken home after the evening Christmas Eve Service.
Our annual Christmas Eve Offering provides funds for gas, propane, and electricity to families and individuals in financial need in Avery County. With rising costs for propane, gas, and electricity, this offering will make a real difference in the lives of so many people. If you will not be attending the Christmas Eve service, you can still share in this offering by writing a check made out to Crossnore Presbyterian Church, designating it for the “Christmas Eve Offering,” and mailing it to Crossnore Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 386, Crossnore, NC 28616. Thank you for caring and sharing!
Our Advent Bible Study continues this Wednesday, December 13, at 3 p.m., in the fellowship hall and continues through Wednesday, December 20. Pastor Jim Taylor is leading our study on the newly published book, Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation, by Bishop Will Willimon. What a great way to prepare for Christmas!
***Please Note the day and date change. Sunday, December 17, 3 p.m., Handbell Christmas Concert at Pineola Presbyterian Church.
Our Knitting & Crocheting Group will not meet Wednesday, December 20 and December 27.
Do everything in love. ~ Corinthians 16:14:
There will be a morning Christmas Eve Service at 11 a.m. on December 24 in the church sanctuary. Rev. Maggie Lauterer will be our preacher as we celebrate Christ’s birth. Every dollar of our Christmas Eve offering will go to provide electricity and heating for those in need in our county.
Our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be held on Sunday, December 24, at 5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Christmas Eve Worship will be filled with special music, Christmas carols, scripture readings, Christmas stories, and prayers as we worship Christ, the babe born in Bethlehem, the Lord of all, and the Ruler over heaven and earth.
Two thank You notes from recipients of our Thanksgiving bags:
Thank You So much for the basket of goodies and the Ingles gift card. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. May God bless you richly as you continue his work. - H.B.
Thank you for the wonderful gift. Is was very nice of you to think of me. Bless you and the congregation. Happy New Year and very Merry Christmas to all of you. Thanks and may God be with you all. - P.P.
We celebrated Jackie Rullman’s graduation from ASU this past Sunday, December 10. She is graduating with high honors and has been accepted into law school for the fall at both Elon University and Campbell University. We are so proud of her.
Thank you to Carroll and Linda Berkley for the LED white pillar candles in the windows of the church. With the greenery setting them off, they are beautiful and perfect in our sanctuary. Thank you to Gene Hodges and George Riggsbee for bringing the heavy bleachers up from the basement, Maggie Lauterer and Terry Smith for picking up the poinsettias, and Cheryl Lewis and Jo Ann Riddle for setting them up so beautifully.
December Birthdays
Patricia McGarr - December 1
Noah Kidder - December 14
Tasha Reid - December 16
Linda Taylor - December 24
Prayer Requests
Beverly Wait & Family
Daryl Storm & Family
Boyd Barrier & Family
Eric & Jane Sowder & Family
Robert & Melanie Dunn & Family
Jill Sanders
Owen, Bill and Laura Lind’s Grandson
Gary Aldridge
Melissa Church December 13, 2023