We met our August goal needing $18,375.00 by receiving $20,245.00 in tithes and offerings. Our goal, of course is to meet the goal in September.
A Special Program will be held this Tuesday, September 24, 7-8:30 pm, in the church fellowship hall. Devon Wilkinson, a middle school teacher at Avery Middle School, spent the past two summers teaching underprivileged children. In 2023, she taught at a Muslim school just outside of the West Bank and in 2024, she taught at a Jewish school just outside of Haifa. Her story is inspiring and worth sharing in a time when the Middle East is so divided. These teaching opportunities are provided by TALMA, the Israel Program for Excellence in English, which is both an English-immersion program for low-income Israeli elementary schoolchildren and a Fellowship for international teacher-leaders in the movement for educational equity. Check out their website: https://www.talmaisrael.com</a
“Growing Deeper in Faith, Reaching Out in Love” - Mission Statement of Crossnore Presbyterian Church
Please join us for worship every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. in our historic rock sanctuary. We are a very warm and welcoming congregation and delight with each new person who comes through the door. There are no strangers here. We praise God with a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns and songs. The service is fresh, relevant, and engaging, and leaves one with an inspiring message and mission to take into the week. Coffee Hour in the fellowship hall after worship provides an opportunity for newcomers to get to know some of the members of the church family. For more information, please contact the church office, at 828-733-1939.
If there is inclement weather, we will post the cancellation of in-person worship on the website, Facebook, and the church office phone message. When we are not able to meet in person, Pastor Kathy records her sermon on Zoom and sends it out along with the bulletin and music links.