Midweek News February 28, 2024
February 28, 2024
Announcements and Items of Interest
Third Sunday of Lent, March 3, 2024. Communion Sunday. New Member Sunday. Worship at 11:00 a.m. Please join us following worship to welcome our new members and celebrate March birthdays with birthday cake and coffee.
The Lenten Bible Study continues today Wednesday, February 28, 3-4:30 p.m., and will run through Wednesday, March 20.
Pastor Kathy is teaching participants a different way to study scripture. Lectio Divina is an approach to Bible study that sets us up to listen for the word of God spoken to us in the present moment. Everyone is invited to participate!
The CPC Men’s Breakfast Group will meet at Kaye’s Kitchen this Friday, March 1, 8:30 a.m. For more information, contact Gene Hodges, at 704-995-0855.
The Lenten Mission Project is our annual Guatemala Educational Scholarship Fund which gives us the opportunity to serve others beyond our local community. We hope to raise $3,500, of which $500 will be used for emergency food supplies and $3,000 will be used to keep 30 students from Los Cerros, Guatemala, in school. We are in our eleventh year of partnership with El Libano Presbyterian Church, the administrator of the food and scholarships. Please keep the students, teachers, church, and community in your prayers, and prayerfully consider making a donation. Checks should be made out to Crossnore Presbyterian Church, designated for Guatemala, and mailed to P.O. Box 386, Crossnore, NC 28616.
We will be placing an order for more of the Crossnore Presbyterian Church prints by David Haynes. They are $40.00 each with $15.00 going to the roof fund. They can be delivered to the church for pick up or mailed to you. We will be placing the order on March 6. Send your check designated Haynes Print to Crossnore Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 386, Crossnore, NC 28616. You may also call the church office to place the order and send the check afterward.
We installed two of our new Elders for the Class of 2026 during worship last Sunday: Mary Louise Aldridge and Gene Hodges.Linda Drivas will be installed when she returns in May.
The Knitting and Crocheting Group is meeting in the fellowship hall on Wednesdays from 1- 3 p.m. this winter. Please call the church office (828-733-1939) before coming—inclement weather often interferes. A great time to get out of the house and join in any craft you want to work on. Call Janis Kenyon for more information: 828-898-3339.
A Big Thank You to Diane Kehoe for creating a beautiful Lenten purple quilted parament for the communion table. She has been creating a parament for each season of the church year.
Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers to help distribute food on Wednesdays. Please check out their volunteer page:www.feedingaveryfamilies.org. Volunteers are also needed at Reaching Avery Ministry (Ram’s Rack) next to the Dollar General in Newland. They really need help from volunteers to assist in the thrift store. You can show up and they will put you to work! Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
March Birthdays
Susan Hartley — March 1
Jon Kidder — March 4
Linda Drivas — March 8
David Ehmig — March 10
Jim Harllee — March 14
Bob Hardee — March 16
Heather Jordan — March 16
Betty Redman France — March 18
Linda Berkley — March 21
Mary Noble — March 28
Leslie Richardson — March 29
Bobby Taylor — March 29
Prayer Requests
Mary Noble
Jim Harllee
Harry Dall
Wayne Pnter
Marylin Gascho
Betti Kirkman
Dick Larson
Larry & Frances Brown