Midweek News February 1, 2024
February 1, 2024
Communion Sunday, February 4, 2024. Worship at 11: 00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Join us following worship as we celebrate February birthdays with birthday cake and coffee in the fellowship hall.
We will begin the Lenten Season with an Ash Wednesday Service on February 14, 3p.m., in the fellowship hall. Imposition of Ashes will be offered. A Lenten mailing with a daily devotion, Lenten programs, and our Lenten mission project will go out by February 10.
The Lenten Bible Study will begin on Wednesday, February 21 from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. inthe fellowship hall. It will meet every Wednesday at the same time through March 20. Pastor Kathy will be leading. More information to come.
The Men’s Breakfast Group will meet tomorrow, Friday, February 2 at 8:00 a.m. at Kaye’s Kitchen.
The CPC Women’s Group will meet Thursday, February 15, at noon, at Kaye’s Kitchen in Newland. Please contact Bonnie Vuolo at
The Knitting and Crocheting Group will be meeting in the fellowship hall on Wednesdays from 1-3 pm. this winter. Please call the church office (828-733-1939) before coming inclement weather may prevent the group from gathering. A great time to get out of the house and join in any craft you want to work on. The fellowship is wonderful and there are always goodies to munch on! For more information, contact Janis Kenyon: 828-898-3339.
Our January Potluck Luncheon was held last Sunday following worship. It was a nice gathering as we shared the warmth of fellowship and a wonderful feast.
Last Sunday, we honored our Gene Hodges who has finished his term as a Session Member of the Class of 2023. Carroll Berkley and Linda Drivas have also completed their terms as Session Members of the Class of 2023 and will be honored whenthey return to the High Country and can be present. The Nominating Committee will bring a recommended slate for the 2026 Class of Elders and the 2024 budget will be presented when we hold a congregational meeting on Sunday, February 18.
Do everything in love. ~ Corinthians 16:14
We collect Food for People and Pets and Daily Change as part of our church’s mission and is collected on the last Sunday of each month. Our groceries go to the Minneapolis Food Pantry for people who are not able to get to the food pantry in Newland. Daily Change helps provide hunger grants to local and global communities. In 2023, the Presbytery Hunger Committee received six grant requests of $80,970. Only $50,000 was available to assist six agencies, which was less than needed in these times of high grocery bills. Several agencies receive food from MANNA food bank and even they have diminished food supplies and are having to buy food at retail prices. Please consider gathering food items for Food for People and Pets or making a monetary contribution to Food for People and Pets and/or Daily Change.
Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers to help distribute food on Wednesdays. Please check out their volunteer page: https://feedingaveryfamilies.org/. Volunteers are also needed at Reach-ing Avery Ministry (Ram’s Rack) next to the Dollar General in Newland. They really need help from volunteers to assist in the thrift store. You can show up and they will put you to work! Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 pm | Sat: 9 am - 3pm
Jonnie and Phil McBryde celebrated the birth of their 6th great-grandchild. His name is Harmon Jack McBryde and was born on November 20, 2023
February Birthdays
Suzy Martin Crouch - February 9
Greg Gacek - February 18
Charlie Sims - February 19
Juanita Paul - February 21
Prayer Requests
Beverly Wait & Family
Daryl Storm & Family
Boyd Barrier & Family
Eric & Jane Sowder & Family
Robert & Melanie Dunn & Family
Jill Sanders
Owen, Bill and Laura Lind’s Grandson
Gary Aldridge
Melissa Church