Midweek News January 26, 2024
January 26, 2024
Sunday, January 28, Worship in the Fellowship Hall at 11:00 a.m.
It will be wonderful to see everyone after the snow, ice, and cold prevented us from holding worship last week! Please join us following worship for our January potluck. Soup and Chili will be served. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. If you plan to bring soup or chili, please text Gayle Culbreath: 828-467-5407.
This Sunday, January 28, we will be honoring our Session Members from the Class of 2023 who have finished their terms: Carroll Berkley, Linda Drivas, and Gene Hodges. The Nominating Committee will bring a recommended slate for the 2026 Class of Elders and the 2024 budget will be presented when we hold a congregational meeting on Sunday, February 18.
We will begin the Lenten Season with an Ash Wednesday Service on February 14, 3 p.m., in the fellowship hall. Imposition of Ashes will be offered. A Lenten mailing with a daily devotion, Lenten programs, and our Lenten mission project will go out by February 10.
The distribution of our mission funds collected from October through December 2023 is attached to the worship email today. We collected $18,535.95 and distributed these funds to six non-profits. Thanks for caring and sharing!
The Knitting and Crocheting Group will be meeting in the fellowship hall on Wednesdays from 1-3 p.m. this winter. Please call the church office (828-733-1939) before coming—inclement weather may prevent the group from gathering. A great time to get out of the house and join in any craft you want to work on. The fellowship is wonderful and there are always goodies to munch on! For more information, contact Janis Kenyon: 828-898-3339.
Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers to help distribute food on Wednesdays. Please check out their volunteer page: https://feedingaveryfamilies.org/. Volunteers are also needed at Reaching Avery Ministry (Ram’s Rack) next to the Dollar General in Newland. They need help from volunteers to assist in the thrift store. You can show up and they will put you to work! Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
A big thank you to Gene Hodges, John Kehoe, and Jason DeWitt for removing the Christmas tree from the Sanctuary.
Oasis, Inc., which provides support to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, sent the congregation a thank-you note for our support. Dear Kathy and Crossnore Church family, Thank you so much for your help with one of our client’s electric and phone bills. Your support helped this client personally and helped us continue offering services to survivors in the High Country. We are so grateful to have your congregation as one of our community partners. Thank you again!