Midweek News Sept 18, 2024

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Sept 18, 2024


Announcements and Items of Interest


Sunday, September 22, 2024 - Worship 11:00 a.m.. The September Potluck Luncheon will be held following worship. The menu is chili and soup as well as vegetables, cornbread, and dessert. Please bring a dish to share and let Gayle Culbreath know if you can bring chili or soup: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The CPC Women’s Gathering scheduled for this Thursday, September 19, 4-5:30 p.m., at the Point in Land Harbor HAS BEEN CANCELED.

The Knitting and Crocheting Group meets in the fellowship hall on Wednesdays from 1- 3 p.m. Come and join in!

The Church Choir meets at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday in the sanctuary for practice before worship. All are welcome to join!

Our September Mission Project is growing the principal for the Crossnore Presbyterian Church Children’s Endowment Fund. An anonymous donor started the endowment with $150,000, which is being invested along with the donations that have already come in. We hope to provide an annual grant that will pay for an extra tutor for disadvantaged children at Crossnore Elementary School. Donations can be made to Crossnore Presbyterian Church and designated for CPC Children’s Fund. P.O. Box 386, Crossnore, NC 28616. The first grant will be awarded to the school this fall.

A Special Program will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 7-8:30 pm, in the church fellowship hall. Devon Wilkinson, a middle school teacher at Avery Middle School, spent the past two summers teaching underprivileged children. In 2023, she taught at a Muslim school just outside of the West Bank and in 2024, she taught at a Jewish school just outside of Haifa. Her story is inspiring and worth sharing in a time when the Middle East is so divided. These teaching opportunities are provided by TALMA, the Israel Program for Excellence in English, which is both an English-immersion program for low-income Israeli elementary schoolchildren and a Fellowship for international teacher-leaders in the movement for educational equity. Check out their website: https://www.talmaisrael.com/.

Last night’s Shelby Rae Moore Band Concert was fantastic- a great way to wind up our Summer Series of Speakers and Music. They played music from James Taylor, Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin, the Temptations, Fisk Jubilee Singers and more with the audience singing along. What a great way to end the summer! Thanks to everyone who attended the Summer Series- more people attended this season than ever before. Because of the generous donations for every program we had no funds taken out of our church’s budget. And now planning begins for the Summer of 2025.

The Finance Committee wants you to know that we met our church’s monthly budget for the month of August. Thanks to our regular donors and to the special contributions we received for making this possible! Let’s continue to work towards meeting our September budget- remember that it takes $18,000 per month to pay our salaries and bills.

A Big Thank You to our Wednesday Bible Study Leaders for this summer. Rev. Maggie Lauterer led a six-week series on The Rebirthing of God: Christianity’s Struggle for New Beginnings and Barbara Stuart led a five-week series on Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today. Both Bible studies were well attended, and the participants truly appreciated the fellowship, lessons, discussions, and the new knowledge they took with them.

The next Bible study will begin on Wednesday, October 2, and will continue on October 9, 16, 23, and 30. Pastor Kathy will be doing a deep dive into the Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel, looking at the history, culture, and politics of the times and how God continues to speak to us through this ancient gospel in our day and time. Please let Pastor Kathy know if you plan on attending even if you need to miss some of the sessions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers on Wednesdays and Fridays- look at their Facebook page for details.

Ram’s Rack needs volunteers Monday- Friday to help in the thrift store or pack groceries. Their phone number is 828-7335095.