Midweek News February 8, 2024
February 8, 2024
Midweek News 02-07-2024
Sunday, February 11, 2024. Worship at 11: 00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Join us for coffee and cookies in the fellowship hall following worship.
The Knitting and Crocheting Group is meeting in the fellowship hall on Wednesdays from 1-3 p.m. this winter. Please call the church office (828-733-1939) before coming as inclement weather may prevent the group from gathering.
A great time to get out of the house and join in any craft you want to work on. The fellowship is wonderful and there are always goodies to munch on! Contact Janis Kenyon at 828-898-3339 for more information.
The Session will meet on Tuesday, February 13, 3 p.m., in the fellowship hall.
We will begin the Lenten Season with an Ash Wednesday Service on February 14, 3 p.m., in the fellowship hall. Imposition of Ashes will be offered.
A Lenten mailing with a daily devotion, Lenten programs, and our Lenten mission project went out today, February 8. Each page has space to write your own thoughts and reflections. If you don’t receive it by Friday, February 16, please contact the church office at 828-733-1939.
Sunday, February 18, we will be holding a brief congregational meeting following worship. The Nominating Committee will be recommending a slate of Elders for the Class of 2026, and the Finance Committee will be presenting the 2024 Church Budget.
Our February potluck will follow the congregational meeting.
The Lenten Bible Study will begin on Wednesday, February 21, 3-4:30 p.m., and will run through Wednesday, March 20Pastor Kathy will be teaching participants a different way to study scripture.
Lectio Divina is an approach to Bible study that sets us up to listen for the word of God spoken to us in the present moment. Lectio Divina refers to the ancient practice of divine reading that dates back to the early mothers and fathers of the Christian faith. It involves the slow, meditative reading of a passage from Scripture that focuses on listening and responding to God's word. Please let Pastor Kathy know if you would like to participate:
We are invited to participate in a community-wide, ecumenical worship service that will be held on Sunday, February 18, at 4 pm, at First Presbyterian Church of Spruce Pine. This service is an opportunity to share in Christian unity in our area, drawing on a diverse array of churches from across Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey counties.
Feeding Avery Families needs volunteers to help distribute food on Wednesdays. Please check out their volunteer pagehttps://feedingaveryfamilies.org/. Volunteers are also needed at Reaching Avery Ministry (Ram’s Rack) next to the Dollar General in Newland. They really need help from volunteers to assist in the thrift store. You can show up and they will put you to work! Mon-Fri: 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sat: 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.