Midweek News December 20, 2023

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Announcements and Items of Interest

December 20, 2023

Christmas Eve,
December 24., 2023

The morning Christmas Eve Service will be at 11 a.m. on December 24 in the church sanctuary. Rev. Maggie Lauterer will be our preacher as we celebrate Christ’s birth. Every dollar of our Christmas Eve offering will go to provide electricity and heating for those in need in our county.


There be coffee and cookie fellowship following the morning service.


Our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be held on Sunday, December 24, at 5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. Christmas Eve Worship will be filled with special music, Christmas carols, scripture readings, Christmas stories, and prayers as we worship Christ, the babe born in Bethlehem, the Lord of all, and the Ruler over heaven and earth. Every dollar of our Christmas Eve offering will go to provide electricity and heating for those in need in our county.


Our annual Christmas Eve Offering provides funds for emergency gas, propane, and electricity to families and individuals in financial need in Avery
County. With rising costs for propane, gas, and electricity, this offering will make a real difference in the lives of so many people. If you will not be attending either Christmas Eve service, you can still share in this offering by writing a check made out to Crossnore Presbyterian Church.


Designate it for the “Christmas Eve Offering,” and mail it to:
Crossnore Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 386
Crossnore, NC 28616.


Thank you for caring and sharing!


The Choir will practice on Friday, December 22 at 1:30 p.m. to practice for the two Sunday services.


Kathy Hutcheson was honored for her 23 years as our Director of Music last Sunday morning. She has been a dedicated choir director and pianist for Crossnore Presbyterian Church and we congratulate her on her retirement. During our Christmas potluck following worship we shared stories of and appreciation for her work. There was also a beautiful cake celebrating Kathy H.


20 Dec Kathy H Gets a Plaque From Jason


Do everything in love. ~ Corinthians 16:14:20 Dec Harpist


Michael Willis was our guest Irish Harpist in our worship on Sunday. He shared his beautiful gift of music with the congregation.





The Burke Family lit the Candles of Hope, Peace and Joy during the Service. Eloise read beautifully and Isabel lit the candles with grace. Thank you Ashley, Jason, Eloise and Isabel.


20 Dec Reading Advent Candles 


Kathy Hutcheson would like to thank everyone for making her retirement celebration so on Sunday so very special. She was overwhelmed and very rateful.
Thank you to all who brought dishes to share at the potluck. Thank you to Gayle Culbreath and the fellowship committee, who, as always, made sure the food was presented beautifully and all was cleaned up. P.S.—The fellowship committee could use some help cleaning up and wiping down the tables following our potlucks. Sandi Middleton sent the church cookies and coffee to help us celebrate Christmas and beyond! Thank you Sandi!.


Our Advent Bible Study will meet for the final time this Wednesday, December 20, at 3 p.m., in the fellowship hall.


Our Knitting & Crocheting Group will not meet or and December 27.


As we usually do in the winter, we will move worship to the fellowship hall on the first Sunday of January, which is January 6, 2024. We will move back to the sanctuary in the spring.


December Birthdays
 Patricia McGarr - December 1
 Noah Kidder - December 14
 Tasha Reid - December 16
 Linda Taylor - December 24


Prayer Requests
 Beverly Wait & Family
 Daryl Storm & Family
 Boyd Barrier & Family
 Eric & Jane Sowder & Family
 Robert & Melanie Dunn & Family
 Jill Sanders
 Owen, Bill and Laura Lind’s Grandson
 Gary Aldridge
 Melissa Church